Online Writing Lab
Revolutionizing Student Feedback with Quick and Accurate Solutions
Why Choose Us?

The UpThink Online Writing Lab (OWL) is your premier destination for enhancing writing skills and ensuring academic success.
We believe in providing comprehensive support to students, ensuring they receive the feedback necessary to excel in their writing endeavors.
At the heart of our offerings is our innovative essay grading service, designed to transform the traditional, time-consuming grading process into a streamlined, efficient, and accurate experience
Reduction in Grading Time
Full-Time Subject Matter Experts
Challenges with Traditional Grading
Manual Grading:
Time-consuming, requires hiring graders (often overburdened TAs), leading to administrative overheads.
Delayed Feedback:
Multiple weeks to receive grades, demotivating students and increasing churn rates.
UpThink’s Solution
Rapid Grading:
24-hour turnaround, ensuring timely feedback.
Consistency & Accuracy:
Experienced graders adhering to assignment rubrics.
Comprehensive Feedback:
Comments on thesis, organization, documentation, and grammar to help students improve.
Key Features

Asynchronous assistance with details feedback on various essay aspects.
Comments on thesis, content, organization, and documentation as per assignment description.
Written comments, parallel models, and open-ended questions are used to assist the students.
Help students revise their essay/paper to meet the assignment goals.
Grade the essay as per the rubric provided with the assignment questions
Provide commentary for revision for grammar, language, and punctuation errors.

Grading Process
Experts provide comprehensive comments and examples.
Encourages students through constructive criticism.
Grades and comments tailored to assignment requirements.