
Our Story

Our Experts. Your Success.

UpThink emerged out of a real-life need for high-quality online education in challenging postsecondary subjects. Our founders were academics who had studied and taught at top universities in the US and India, including MIT, Harvard, and IIM.

We were our own first client

UpThink emerged out of a real-life need for high-quality online education in challenging postsecondary subjects. 

Our founders were academics who had studied and taught at top universities in the US and India, including MIT, Harvard, and IIM. After launching a company providing statistical modeling, they realized how difficult it was to find employees who were strong in both statistics and computer programming. So they hired computer programmers and taught them statistics, and they hired statisticians and taught them computer programming.

As the in-house training team began creating online learning modules to complement the in-person training, they saw that the key to employees learning the material was the human element—one-on-one, personalized interactions between learners and instructors. So they focused on developing scalable online learning that included a highly personalized approach that ensured that every learner would succeed. 

Since the company’s success depended on the team learning the content, doing online learning poorly wasn’t an option.

After seeing our exceptional results teaching statistics and computer programming to our own staff, other organizations started asking us for help designing and delivering online education in statistics, programming, and other skills. What started as a few projects to help out some friends at other organizations led to the launch of UpThink as a separate company in 2004.

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UpThink today

UpThink now offers a full range of services to help partners develop and deliver online courses and manage fluctuations in demand. Our work includes instructional design, content creation and curation, online teaching assistance, online course management, one-on-one student support, and technology solutions for managing learning content and optimizing student learning.

Through partnerships with online education providers, UpThink has supported more than 3 million undergraduate and graduate students at postsecondary institutions across the US, from research universities to community colleges. 

We are based in Pune, India, “the Oxford of the East”—home to many of India’s top universities and a hub of India’s growing tech industry.

Read Less Read More UpThink today
UpThink Today

What makes us different

  • At the forefront of quality assurance and the LTI revolution

    All our offerings are designed and regularly reviewed to ensure we meet or exceed the standards of Quality Matters (QM) and the IMS Global Learning Consortium.

    Our staff are trained in both QM and IMS benchmarks and validation processes.

    We design for the most advanced standard of interoperability—LTI 1.3.

    UpThink Integrate is the first EdTech product from India to earn IMS Global’s LTI 1.3 certification.

    Member of

    Quality Matters



  • Unique synergies from close collaboration among experts in instructional design, course subject matter, and learning technology

    By working with us, our partners avoid the administrative burden of a piecemeal solution and get results that far exceed the sum of their parts.

    Our partners benefit from the unique synergies that come from the daily cross-team collaboration that defines UpThink culture.

    Teams designing courses and developing technology solutions talk every day with our subject experts working one-on-one with faculty and students on course delivery. Our teams supporting students and faculty have instant access to experts who can help with challenges in instructional design and instructional technology. We deliberately maintain a constant feedback loop that lets us improve performance across all areas in real time.

    As a result, we understand the challenges that faculty face, where and why students struggle—and how to help both of them succeed.

  • Unmatched quality that is as affordable as less reliable alternatives

    While other companies hire and fire a rotating cast of contractors, we use only permanent full-time employees who we carefully select, train, and support across the long term.

    • All of our 250+ experts in learning design and course subject matter have graduate degrees in their fields and passion for helping people learn.
    • Our model lets us deliver superior quality and value.
  • Exceptional expertise in STEM, business, and other high-demand fields

    While we work across all areas of the postsecondary curriculum, we specialize in high-demand subjects in STEM and business where the combination of excellent teaching ability and deep subject expertise is critical and hard to find.

  • An uncommon commitment to the human element of online learning

    Although our scope of services has expanded since our founding nearly two decades ago, a focus on the interpersonal, human element of teaching and learning has remained at our core.

    • We believe that the full promise of online education can only be realized with instruction that is personalized to each student.
    • Our course design services, our teaching support, and our technology solutions are all designed to customize the learning experience for each student to help every learner succeed in mastering challenging material.


Amogh Chaphalkar
Apurva Yadav
AVP - Strategy & Operations
Pranav Deshpande
Senior Manager - Finance & Accounts

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