Operational Overhead |
In-House Grading |
Partnering With Upthink |
Time and Effort | Requires significant time and effort from staff for hiring and training graders | No need for hiring or training process, UpThink provides ready-to-go experts |
Training Costs | Resources need to be dedicated to training new graders | No training costs, as UpThink graders are already experts in their field |
Salary and Benefits | Salaries and benefits for graders need to be paid | Fixed service fee that could be lower than the cost of hiring in-house graders |
Supervision and Quality Assurance | Ongoing supervision of graders is necessary, increasing staff workload | UpThink ensures quality control, freeing up staff time |
Turnover Costs | High potential turnover rate, especially with graduate student graders, resulting in recurring hiring and training costs | Stable partnership, no turnover-related expenses |
Administrative Costs | Administrative tasks related to employment, such as payroll and HR | Minimal administrative overhead, as Up Think manages its own workforce |
Upthink Grading Services
assignments graded
reduction in time required
full-time SMEs
subjects covered
Why Us?
More than 2 decades of experience in the education field
Rapid turnaround time
Experience working with every rubric imaginable
Consistent and fair grading
Partnered With